Lost Silver (then called Gold) was just an ordinary Pokémon Trainer with the same goals and dream that every trainer had: train and fight with his Pokémon. However, after the death of his Cyndaquil, Gold supposedly ended his own life (or not, as of the new Updated Version) and ended up in the Lavender Tower. Although he was never seen after that, some say his spirit ended up in a lost Pokémon game. Pokémon Silver, to be exact.
Lost Silver can control the ghosts of his Pokémon: a shiny Celebi named "AWAY" (Go! AWAY when sent out..) , and a male Level 5 Cyndaquil nicknamed "HURRY". The Cyndaquil was his starter, and he went by his species' name, however, in the manga, Gold named him Exbo, as his back 'explodes'.
He also has a male Houndoom named "FOREVER", and at some point he even had possessed Silver's (not Lost Silver, his rival.) starter, Totodile.
Lost Silver has various Unown, but unlike his main Pokémon, he cannot control them, but they influence him and his decisions.
Special Moves (Usable)[]
- Perish Song - Both Pokemon that are in battle perish in 3 turns, unless they are able to switch out.
- Future Sight - AWAY can forsee a Psychic Type attack that hits later in the battle.
- Nightmare - HURRY shows the opposing Pokemon a living nightmare, resulting in death.
- Thrash - Shakes the life out of the opponent.
RARE! "HURRY! AWAY! Switch, I won't let you die!"[]
- Switch Pokemon - Lost Silver switches between Hurry and Celebi.
Goodbye Forever - Nightmare Ending[]
- Perish Song - See above.
- Goodbye Forever - ... used NIGHTMARE! Instead of saying goodbye to his former self, the other trainer... (he looks just like... Gold?) ...will say goodbye to you.
"Goodbye.. for good..."
- If you let him defeat you and sacrifice yourself to save him, Lost Silver becomes Gold again, then poses with his Pokemon, who are revived... only to find out that you have died.
- Lost Silver appears and pulls out a Pokéball. He then says, "Exbo.... no... I can't... Go! HURRY!" and out comes his Cyndaquil.
- Lost Silver looks at his opponent while the Unown spell out "TOO BAD".
- Lost Silver has his Pokémon beam back into the designated Pokéball. He then looks at the screen as Unowns spell "GOODBYE".
Win Quotes[]
- "Th.. thank you..."
- "I guess you can join me... if you want to... but please.. don't."
Arcade Mode[]
- After many long, long years of permanently being trapped in Lavender Tower, Gold had finally had enough. It was about time he wasn't just remembered- he had longed to be alive again...
- The path to RELIVE once again is paved out with endless pain.. he needs help. There IS no ending to Lost Silver, as he lives on in the fans... so, from now on, remember, Lost Silver.. and always.... never lose the hope that you had.. even if it was fleeting.. always cherish those memories.. of the people you cared about...
"Make me proud, Gold!"
But it would be nice to.. stay alive...
Once more.... for a little longer... please...
- Lost Silver (Gold) lets his Pokemon fight for him similar to the Pokemon Trainers in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
- Page originally created by MaxGomora1247.
Theme Song[]
Lost Silver's Theme: Hollywood Undead - New Day